When I think of a crazy time of year, the holidays always come to mind. Thanksgiving leads right into Christmas, which is always crazy. But now that I have 3 kids in school I KNOW what the crazy time of year is...May!
May is the time of year when people are crawling out of our hole of hibernation, and wanting to feel the warmth of sunshine on our bodies. It's the time of year that children are getting excited because school is almost out for the summer. What I have learned the most though, it is the time of year for field trips!!
Let me give a run down of all the activities my children have encountered so far this May, and I'm sure I will miss some.
6 school field trips, dodgeball tournamentssss, ice cream parties, reading celebration parties, teddy bear parties, beach days, 2 spring school programs, after-school reading celebration, tae kwon do practice at a farm, t-ball practices, Sadey attended a b-day party, Dev is having a b-day party tomorrow, GA's sleep over, Splash country field trip with the church, and a church spring program. I think that's all.
A calender has become my new best friend. Why? Well everyone of these activities either requires money sent to school/church or I need to remember a list of things they need to take for each trip. Example? Beach day...towel, swimsuit, extra clothes, snack and drink, balls, and most important sunblock. Field trip...please bring $3 for the field trip, and then IF you want let them bring an additional $2 for some snacks and to feed the animals at the zoo.
It's crazy to have 3 kids doing 3 different activities. I mean crazy, and Nate isn't even in school yet!
You have to have some sense of organization! I feel like I have notes scattered every where!
Well enough of poor me! They only have one day left and it's just half a day. So, yes together my kids and I have made it successfully through another May. I couldn't have done it without them helping me through, they are such good kids!!
My baby girl turned one!
14 years ago