Monday, August 4, 2008

School Supplies

It was Saturday morning and I had been telling Sam's sister, Kelly, that she could spend the night with us for a long time. With all the craziness and busy of the summer I hadn't had her over yet, so I thought this weekend would be the best. Sadly summer is almost over and school will be starting soon.
To give you a little history Nate didn't eat his dinner Thursday night and to my discovery he had a fever of 103. Friday I took 5 children and myself to an urgent care where we waited forever and found out he had a throat infection. The Dr. wrote him for a medicine he was allergic to, this is a whole different story within itself, but anyways we get the right medicine and started it on Friday night. The poor guy still had a high fever this Monday morning, but I believe we have finally broken it now!!
Anyways back to the story...
Saturday morning I pile all the children in the car and I needed to go to walmart to buy birthday presents for two parties that I needed to be at that day. How much fun that at 2:00pm in Reeds Spring and one at 2:30 pm in Lampee with it being 100 degrees outside and 10o% humidity!! Once we arrive at walmart I remember that it is the tax free weekend for school supplies. This year I will be buying school supplies for 3 of my children, so I needed all the discount I could get. OK so you see it right...Saturday at walmart with 4 children and Kelly, and all other parents wanting to take advantage of the tax free weekend. Oh so much fun.
I started down another school supply aisle and stepped in something wet, and realized after it not coming off my shoe it was a pile of glue. Whatever, so I walk on and step in another pile of glue. By this time I'm irritated!! What kind of parent lets there kids just pour glue all over the place?? Why isn't walmart picking up the mess?? After what seems forever I get most, not all due to many things being sold out of the school supplies.
So we move on to the toy department for a birthday present. I look at Nate and my baby has an empty glue bottle in one hand and the lid in another. WHAT??? IT WAS MY KID THAT MADE THAT MESS?? WHERE WAS I?? I'm not a crier, but that's all I could do. I started crying, picked up Nate and yelled at the other kids not to move. I dragged his bottom to the bathroom and spanked him. Yes it may have been a bit dramatic, but I didn't know what else to do, and dang it I felt better. So we march back to the cart, and I look through the school supplies to see what is not savable due to the glue. Well thank goodness most of the glue fell on the walmart floor and not all over the supplies. We just ruined a few folders, so I stashed them in an aisle and went to get more.
So yes, it was me that was the mother who let the child pour glue all over the walmart floor. So moral of the story is be sure you know who is causing the problem before you start pointing fingers because it may be YOU!! Kids are always so much fun!!

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Virginia Janet said...
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