Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day Weekend....the last great weekend of the summer. Makes it great for so many reasons...the greatest is you know to live it up because it is the last holiday weekend of the summer. Kind of depressing for me because the last couple of years it has also been the last weekend we go to the lake and swim. We all know the dreaded winter will be here before we know it so of course my family spent our time at the lake.

We started our weekend off by going to Sam's parents house Friday night and spending time with them. It was nice...Sam made the best grilled hamburgers I have ever put in my mouth. And I am not lying here, they were done perfectly and had feta cheese all through it. YUM YUM. I also tried a new Moscoto wine that was very good.

Saturday we had to get up early because we got a new garage...YEAH. This house had the same wood garage since the 70's, and it finally gave up the fight during one of our many rainstorms this year. The wood got so heavy that it disengaged itself from the motor and tore apart in a many places. We got a steel back door with a new motor and even a key pad...the extra security:)!! It's great. Love it.

They got done with the roof around 3ish, and we packed up for our weekend at the lake. The nice thing is mom lives right on the's perfect. Of course we had a cooler packed for a week, and no food in it:)!! Our car seriously looked like we were gonna be gone for awhile, but that's what it's like when you have 4 kids. Anyways...after getting to moms, Dan and Andrea got there shortly after. Always good times hanging out with them. We headed down to the lake. It was beautiful...a little windy so the adults stayed out of the water and hung out on the dock enjoying our beverages. The kids don't care what the wind is like they just want to be in that water. They love it.

We had a great dinner, and enjoyed some card playing. I truly thought my boys would sleep in...that's what I get for thinking. They got up before 8am. We watched some sponge bob and then took Bronson (my brothers awesome lab) for a swim, and then hung out at the pond for awhile. Truly a way you want to wake up if it has to be early. Beautiful is the only way I can explain it. We had a late breakfast because all the other lucky people got to sleep in. We enjoyed looking at some pics of when Dan and I were And then we packed up our stuff and spent the entire day out at the lake. It was PERFECT. The weather was sunny and warm and the water felt perfect. Dan and I had a diving competition and I hate to admit it but he did a lot better than me. Only on the "no splash" mine was prettier!!

We got home and enjoyed a meal and fell asleep early. Thank goodness I had Monday off because I really needed some sleep. We all (except Sam he had to work) slept in until was soooo nice.

Our weekend was great...being with family and on the lake. We missed you dad. Just glad you made it through Gustav!!!! Thanks again Dan and Andrea for the gifts, and mom for the food and hospitality!!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Your dive is pretty! Don't tell
Dan I said that!!! It was a great time. Sad to think that it might be the last weekend to swim. Boo!!!