Monday, December 1, 2008


I can't believe that Thanksgiving already passed us. The older I get the time really does just go so fast!

Dan and Andrea invited mom and us up to their house for Thanksgiving and we had a wonderful time. Good food, good company and great weather! Kuddos to mom for the gravy and dressing and to Andrea for the party potatoes and ham! It was delicious!

We enjoyed a great time outside playing baseball and throwing the football around! A great way of working off those extra calories I piled on during our yummy dinner! I think the best work out was the Wii though! I tell ya, I love that thing! It is so much fun and an awesome workout! You don't even realize how much your body is being worked because you ARE having so much fun. My body always KNOWS the next day, getting old! Plus the fact that the two times I have played we end up playing for hours!! It is such an awesome way to get everyone involved in ONE thing! The kids loved it, and played it well. I didn't expect them to get it, or at least not Nate! But once again I don't know why I ever doubt any of my children's abilities, they are amazing:)!

So, I'm not much of a shopper, but yes mom, Andrea and I went out on the dreaded Black Friday! It wasn't too bad. It was nice getting a break from the kids and being with the ladies! It's rare that I get girl time! And I did score on a few good Christmas presents! Friday night we relaxed at home and watched Kung Fu Panda which was outstanding. If you have kids give it a try!

Saturday we visited Sam's parents, and it was nice! Then we came home and watched the Gators kick some bootah! Really crossing my fingers for the next weeks game against Alabama! Go Gators! Also did about 10 loads of laundry Saturday, no joke!

Sunday we put up our Christmas decorations, which is a few days later than I usually do it. But we were so busy running around that was the first chance we got! I absolutely adore watching the kids put up our many many ornaments. Because there is four of them it only took them about 5 minutes, but they had a blast! Devyn is tall enough to get the ornaments on the top of the tree, so I just have to hand them out! Luke and Nate are so very excited and are expecting Santa to come at any moment! So hard explaining time to little beings!

All in all it was a great holiday weekend, and enjoyed it all!


Wasilly said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun. I got the Wii fit a couple of weeks ago and I'm loving it too! Have you seen Twilight yet????

Andrea said...

We had a great time too. Sounds like the rest of your weekend was quite busy!